GradFUTURES | Department of East Asian Studies : GradFUTURES Overview GradFUTURES partners with academic departments to create custom programming, deliver data and professional development briefs, and connect with graduate students and alumni. GradFUTURES Overview Overview of How GradFUTURES Partners with Academic Departments Princeton University has 42 degree-granting departments and programs that admit students. The University also offers a growing number of joint degree offerings, graduate certificates and interdepartmental programs that allow students to work across disciplinary boundaries while still continuing to receive advanced training and a degree in the home department. Access the full list of these departments and links to departmental homepages on the Graduate School's website. GradFUTURES partners with academic departments to create custom programming, deliver data and professional development briefs, and facilitate connections with graduate students and alumni. Please note that as of March 2021, the page below is a draft and will be updated. Questions? Feedback? Contact us and help create bespoke programming for you & your department! Career Outcomes, Data and Stories Trailblazers Beyond the Tenure Track: Graduate Alum Stories & Profiles GradFUTURES Profiles: Humanities & Social Sciences GradFUTURES Fellowship Opportunities GradFUTURES Micro-Internships in Industry Community College Teaching Fellowships University Administrative Fellowships Resources and Opportunities for Graduate Students in East Asian Studies Programs & Resources for Humanities and Social Sciences Interdisciplinary Learning Cohorts Professional Associations & Organizations for Graduate Students Trailblazers Beyond the Tenure Track: Graduate Alum Stories & Profiles Association for Asian Studies GradFUTURES Profiles: Humanities & Social Sciences The Center for Digital Humanities at Princeton GradFUTURES Office Hours Graduate Alum Mentorship Program Imagine PHD National Center for Faculty Development & Diversity GradFUTURES Profiles: Department of East Asian Studies Ellen Ambrosone South Asian Studies Librarian Ellen Ambrosone joined Princeton University Library as the South Asian Studies Librarian in 2019. She has a Ph.D. in South Asian Languages and Civilizations from the University of Chicago, where she completed her dissertation, "Making Modern Malayalam: Literary and Educational Practices in Nineteenth-Century Kerala." Ellen has… Yuzhou Bai *23, EAS Professional Development Associate 2019-21 "I'm excited to support my fellow Ph.D.s in at least two ways: to highlight recent job market trends and consult on new career options for graduate students and to use career outcome data to illuminate the diverse career paths of our graduate alumni. Feel free to reach out through e-mail or LinkedIn!" Melvin Barnes Jr. Program Officer, Ohio Humanities Melvin Barnes Jr. is a teacher-scholar specializing in East Asian, Transnational, and African American history. He earned his bachelor’s degree from the University of Toledo and his Ph.D. from The Ohio State University. Currently, he works as a program officer for the Ohio Humanities. "I firmly believe that humanities… Jesse Sloane *10, EAS Consultant, Perrett Laver I work in the Hong Kong office of Perrett Laver, a UK-based consulting and executive search firm specializing in supporting universities and other mission-driven organizations. After completing my doctorate I took a position as Assistant Professor of East Asian Studies at Underwood International College (UIC), a highly selective… James M. Van Wyck Assistant Dean for Professional Development James M. Van Wyck is the liaison for the Humanities & Social Sciences. He manages graduate student professional development programs, strategic communications, the GradFUTURES Fellows program, including the University Administrative Fellows Program, and the Community College Teaching Initiative. James Watson-Krips, GS, EAS University Administrative Fellow "I have come to see that there is no single path to academic career development -- skills learned outside the academy can be of great use in one's academic work, and the methodologies we employ as Ph.D. students can similarly help in a variety of careers beyond the academy." Shengyu Yang, GS, EAS Community College Teaching Fellow As a Community College Teaching Fellow, and a American Higher cohort member "I learned how to balance my research and teaching in a safe yet challenging environment." Xue Zhang *20, EAS Assistant Professor of History, Reed College "[The UAF program] reshapes my ways of being a learner, teacher, and leader in higher education settings...It provides me with ample opportunities to work with diverse student body and organizations and to communicate my ideas to a broad audience beyond my academic field. It reshapes my ways of being a learner, teacher, and leader in higher education settings." Submit Your GradFUTURES Profile Today! Upcoming Professional Development Events Feb 17 Finding the Best Location using QGIS Feb 17 GradFUTURES Sustainability Learning Cohort: 1. Intro to Sustainability and Provisioning Systems Approach from Local to Global Feb 17 Introduction to Programming Using Python (Parts 1-3) Feb 18 Finding the Best Location using ArcGIS Pro Feb 18 Introduction to Programming Using Python (Part 2) Feb 18 Policy Analysis with R : Difference-in-Differences Methods Feb 19 Digital Scholarship Foundations: Static Websites (2 of 4) Feb 19 Intro to R: Analyzing Survey Data Feb 19 GradFUTURES Science Policy Cohort: 2. Power, Process, and Climate Policy: The Inflation Reduction Act's Path Through Congress and the Executive Branch Feb 19 Introduction to Programming Using Python (Part 3) Feb 20 Princeton Python User Group Monthly Meeting (Feb 2025) Feb 20 Crafternoon: Make a Mini Comic Book