Princeton Alumni Weekly UAF

Fellowship Description

Princeton Alumni Weekly is seeking a University Administrative Fellow who can contribute to our Student Dispatch series, published monthly in print and online, report on news events, and assist our editorial team by joining story idea meetings, planning conversations, and other regular activities in our publishing cycle. Student Dispatch is a reported column, typically one magazine page in length (650 words), that provides a student’s view of campus life. The UAF will work with editors to develop column ideas, fact-check their work, and make appropriate revisions and edits. Experience reporting and writing for non-academic audiences (including student publications) is helpful but not required. 

Other opportunities will be tailored to the UAF’s interests. For example, a student who is interested in science writing may assist our associate editor in evaluating ideas for research stories; a student who has expertise in archival research might help prepare materials for our Princeton history features. The fellowship will provide opportunities to learn more about alumni publications and freelance journalism.  

UAF Mentor

Current & Former UAF Fellows & Mentors