Innovation & Entrepreneurship


Shield with light bulb

Apply innovative, inclusive, and entrepreneurial approaches and mindsets to accelerate discovery and catalyze creative solutions to complex problems, whether within the context of your academic research and/or new venture creation.

Key topics:

  • Generate bold and disruptive ideas by employing a variety of creative tools
  • Facilitate collaborative and interdisciplinary approaches to problem-solving 
  • Deploy human-centric and systems thinking to understand the broader impact of solutions on communities and society
  • Foster a culture of inclusive innovation in which you include diverse perspectives and co-create solutions
  • Understand venture capital and legal aspects of patent and intellectual property 
Wolf Avi
“I am so grateful to GradFUTURES for coordinating the Venture Capital and Startups cohort. It’s a great way to quickly learn the core tenets of the funding ecosystem for entrepreneurs, even if just to learn the jargon and dip our first feet into the lingo of financiers and venture capitalists.” 

Abraham (Avi) Wolf, GS, CBE

Cory headshot
“My UAF is in the Keller Center for Innovation in Engineering Education... I am working on creating multi-media programs that address issues facing today's entrepreneurs. My time as a UAF is helping me become a better teammate and better understand the relationship between people and the organizations within which people operate.” 

Cory Isaacs, GS, SPI