Fellowship Description

Connect with a diverse range of partners in a dynamic, interdisciplinary co-curricular space! Help extend and reimagine this interdisciplinary graduate learning cohort that explores ways to engage, partner with, and work with cultural organizations, and considers issues such as access and diversity in the arts, public engagement and outreach, digital humanities, and art and social change.

The GradFUTURES team is looking for a University Administrative Fellow to partner with us as we continue to build the GradFUTURES Working in the Creative Arts and Public Humanities Learning Cohort.

The UAF will assist Assistant Dean James M. Van Wyck in:

  • Building and implementing events
  • Inviting speakers to lead events/meetups
  • Connecting with campus partners to scope and develop mentored capstone projects
  • Facilitate sessions led by guest speakers and introduce capstone project

More about the Working in the Creative Arts and Public Humanities Learning Cohort.



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GradFUTURES empowers graduate scholars to succeed in graduate school and create futures that are fully their own. Our programs are strategically designed to complement the Graduate School’s holistic support of graduate students, helping them explore, thrive, and find a sense of belonging while at Princeton.  In a fast-changing professional landscape, graduate students are uniquely situated to engage their futures with creativity, insight, and in-demand skills that reveal multiple options within the academy and beyond.

UAF Mentor

Current and Past Fellows & Mentors