Wright Seneres

Social Media and Marketing Specialist, Princeton Entrepreneurship Council
GradFUTURES Forum Presenter

Wright Seneres co-founded and co-leads the Princeton Podcasters Network, which is a group for podcasters on campus to share knowledge, best practices and guidance on podcasting at Princeton. He is also an advisor to the GradFUTURES Podcasting and New Media Group and co-teaches a Wintersession course on starting a podcast. 

He is the social media and marketing specialist at the Princeton Entrepreneurship Council (PEC) and the host of Princeton Spark, PEC's podcast of stories of Entrepreneurship the Princeton Way. Wright is also the host and creator of Effect Pedal, a "guitar memoir" podcast, as well as an all-new show coming in Spring 2022.

“Princeton Entrepreneurship Council helps gradFUTURES by partnering on programs such as the Princeton Startup Bootcamp and Venture Well, along with providing other resources for grad student entrepreneurs to advance their pursuits. The Startup Bootcamp is a two-and-a-half day intensive held twice a year in January and June. It’s for any grad student or postdoc who has an idea—or if they don't have an idea, a chance to get paired with a person who does. Teams work on developing the idea, determining the market potential, and working on other various startup needs."