Siena Dumas Ang, GS, QCB


Siena is a fourth-year PhD student in the Quantitative and Computational Biology program. Prior to coming to Princeton, she spent 4 years at Microsoft Research working on DNA Storage. She graduated from the University of Washington with a triple degree in Computer Science, Mathematics, and Dance.

At Princeton, Siena has worked on differential methylation, improving GWAS results to identify disease-gene associations using tissue-specific networks, and regulatory predictions for social behavior in bees. She is the co-founder, treasurer, and editor of Princeton Insights, which highlights some of Princeton University's most exciting recent research through short, accessible reviews. In her free time, she enjoys taking dance classes and performing, visiting NY/Philly, and taking her dog on long walks in the Institute woods with her fiancé.

I loved the actionable career development ideas we walked away with from the Focus on Future You series. From STAR journaling, to informational interviews, to reading job ads, I have so many tools I can use in my own future journey!”