Meseret Oldjira, GS, ART

University Administrative Fellow

Meseret Oldjira is a PhD candidate in the department of Art and Archaeology and a University Administrative Fellow at Princeton University Press. Her dissertation examines the pictorial, textual, historical, and physical components of thirteenth- and fourteenth-century gospel manuscripts produced in Ethiopia. Her broader research explores the various mechanisms of artistic and cultural exchange across the medieval Mediterranean and north-east Africa.

"Having read about the UAF program in the GradFUTURES emails, I knew that it was an opportunity that I wanted to pursue during my time at Princeton, but I was unsure about which administrative area would be the right fit for me. Then in the Fall of 2020 I attended a workshop on academic publishing advertised through GradFUTURES and this informative workshop ultimately spurred my interest in applying for a UAF position at Princeton University Press.

As a fellow at Princeton University Press, I worked with the Global Development and Intellectual Property team on the publications of the Bollingen Series, a 275-volume series of titles in art history, philosophy, literature, and religious studies that started in 1940. The UAF program has been a wonderful opportunity for me to strengthen my professional experience as a graduate student and to gain valuable exposure to a new professional area."

I have participated in the following GradFUTURES Programs: University Administrative Fellowship