Elizabeth Zeitler, *14 CHM

Associate Board Director, Energy and Environmental Systems, National Academies of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine

Elizabeth (Beth) Zeitler is Associate Director of the Board on Energy and Environmental Systems at the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine. Across the Academies, she leads consensus studies to inform government, private, and public sector decisionmakers on key areas of domestic and global energy policy, such as carbon utilization markets, infrastructure and RD&D; technologies for vehicle energy efficiency; the future of the electric system; and technical and policy needs for deep decarbonization. She has previously led and supported projects in the future of electrochemistry, data, modeling and simulation for urban sustainability, electric vehicle deployment and energy resource potential on DOE lands. Beth received a Ph.D. in Chemistry from Princeton in 2014, and has previously served as a Christine Mirzayan Fellow at the Academies and as an AAAS STPF Fellow at the U.S. foreign assistance agency, the Millennium Challenge Corporation.