Position University Administrative Fellow Role Social Impact Fellow Bio/Description Duygu Coskuntuna is a Ph.D candidate at Near Eastern Studies, and holds a M.A in History from Boğaziçi University. Her current research focus is the Ottoman and German war experiences during World War I. She was a University Administrative Fellow in Graduate School's Trailblazers Beyond the Tenure Track Series. "What fascinates me about Ph.D programs at Princeton is how they make room for diverse learning experiences. The ambition is beyond learning and teaching, but gaining insights into how we think, how we connect ideas, and how we theorize about the world. These insights are truly valuable, as our graduates employ those successfully in exploring careers in and beyond academia. GradFUTURES is definitely part of that journey. My contribution will underline the novel ways in which Humanities graduates have re-interpreted their extant skill sets and forged new paths. Before coming to Princeton, I took up a few academia-adjacent jobs, first in a library and later in an NGO. I quite enjoyed the feeling of stepping outside of my comfort zone, connecting with others and developing my communication skills. Working as a GradFUTURES University Administrative Fellow, I am looking forward to explore other career paths—mine as well as others'!" I have participated in the following GradFUTURES Programs: University Administrative Fellowship Related News Trailblazers Beyond the Tenure Track: Jay Xu *08 (ART) Trailblazers Beyond the Tenure Track: Ingeborg Rocker *10 (Art and Architecture) Trailblazers Beyond the Tenure Track: Maayan Dauber *15 (English) Trailblazers Beyond the Tenure Track: Jason McSheene, *15, (Molecular Biology) Trailblazers Beyond the Tenure Track: Christopher Tokita, *21, Ecology and Evolutionary Biology (EEB) Trailblazers Beyond the Tenure Track: Matthew Krumholtz, *15 (ENG) Upcoming Professional Development Events Dec 10 Fargo Film Screening Dec 10 Python Quick Strike Learning Cohort 2024: Bonus Topics Dec 10 PFAS in US Tapwater, December Lecture, Princeton Section of the American Chemical Society (PACS) Dec 11 LaTeX Drop-in Consultations Dec 13 GradFUTURES Graduate Student Internship/Fellowship Fair Dec 13 Professional Headshots at the 2024 Graduate Student Internship/Fellowship Fair Dec 13 30 Minutes Towards Better Bibliographies and Footnotes! (online) Dec 13 How Video Can make your scholarship Shine Dec 16 Office Hours with Graduate Alum in Residence Sam Wang *76 MAE Jan 10 Office Hours with Graduate Alum in Residence Jean Tom *93 CBE Jan 17 Office Hours with Graduate Alum in Residence Jean Tom *93 CBE Jan 31 30 Minutes Towards Better Bibliographies and Footnotes! (online) (COPY)