Benjamin Sacks *18, HIS

Policy Researcher; Professor, Pardee RAND Graduate School

Dr. Benjamin J. Sacks is a full policy researcher at the RAND Corporation and a professor of political geography at the Pardee RAND Graduate School. At RAND, Sacks employed mixed-method approaches to examine the history, political geography, public diplomacy/international broadcasting, and networks of major power competition, defense acquisition, and contested/undergoverned spaces (e.g., the Poles; the South China Sea; the electromagnetic spectrum). He has recently led a major tabletop exercise for the Defense Intelligence Agency. In addition, he has briefed the UK Cabinet Office and the Joint Chiefs of Staff J-7 Directorate. Outside of RAND, he has published numerous articles, chapters, and op-eds.  

Sacks completed his postdoctoral fellowship at Harvard University’s Center for History and Economics, his Ph.D. and M.A. in history at Princeton University, and his B.A. in history at Tufts University. He is a permanent elected fellow of the Royal Geographical Society and a 2009 Beinecke Scholar.

"When you arrive at Princeton, see the PhD as a passport to opportunity, not merely a box to be ticked to become a professor. Develop mentors and mentorship, explore your diverse interests, and identify what careers might be best suited to fulfill those interests. Then, develop a dissertation that will help you achieve your personal career goals, not simply those of your dissertation committee or academia.

Never hesitate to reach out to other departments or programs with interests, questions, or to develop opportunities that will support your personal goals. And, from your first year onward, identify potential career paths and connect with organizations in those fields to discover whether or not it's the right fit for you.

Since graduating from Princeton in 2018, I've worked with the Graduate School to help foster their career programming. I enjoy our collaboration!"

I have participated in the following GradFUTURES Programs:

  • GradFUTURES Forum
  • GradFUTURES Virtual Meetups

Yes, I am open to being contacted by a Princeton Graduate Student for an informational interview!

LinkedIn Profile

Read more about Benjamin's post-PhD story on the Trailblazers Beyond the Tenure Track page!