Take the time to reflect on and identify your professional interests and future possibilities. Using ideation, group problem-solving, and design-thinking methods, you will create multiple “future you” scenarios and explore the next steps needed to develop your individualized plan. You will come away with lots of self-awareness, affirmation, allies, and approaches, while setting goals and considering a variety of future possibilities and paths. Tailored for the period after you complete your general exams, the workshops span three sessions. Participants will receive a copy of Putting the Humanities PhD to Work: Thriving In and Beyond the Classroom, by Katina L. Rogers. A 3-Part Workshop Series Part 1 Reflect on purpose and meaning in your past and present professional life to extrapolate future professional paths that will fulfil you. Using ideation, group problem-solving, and design-thinking methods, you will create multiple “future you” scenarios under variety of circumstances and material conditions. Part 2 Learn to mine job descriptions and talk to graduate alumni and professionals in fields of interest. Uncover skills and experiences desired in various occupations, broadening your outlook of the value of graduate training in the workforce. Connecting with graduate alumni also provides access to diverse mentors. Part 3 Leverage storytelling to translate the breadth of skills and experiences developed through PhD training. Leverage Princeton resources like GradFUTURES for professional development. Set goals and develop your plan for variety of future(s). We will wrap with a group discussion / AMA. Upcoming Sessions Check back soon for dates! Facilitators & Speakers James M. Van Wyck Assistant Dean for Professional Development