Date Mar 7, 2023, 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm Location Agricola (11 Witherspoon St, Princeton, NJ 08542), 11 Witherspoon Street, Princeton, NJ 08542, United States Related link More details in My PrincetonU Share on X Share on Facebook Share on LinkedIn Details Event Description Join us for a casual conversation (over lunch at Agricola [11 Witherspoon St, Princeton, NJ 08542]) with Dr. Paula Krebs to discuss the state of the humanities in the U.S., the academic job market, as well as the place of the PhD in the worlds beyond the academy. Paula M. Krebs became executive director of the Modern Language Association in August 2017. She administers the programs, governance, and business affairs of the association and is general editor of the association’s publishing and research programs, as well as editor of two association publications. She serves as an ex officio member of all committees and commissions of the association, chairs the committee that oversees the planning of the association’s annual convention, works with the MLA’s trustees in evaluating and implementing investments of the MLA’s endowment funds, and chairs the staff Finance Committee. Krebs previously served as the dean of the College of Humanities and Social Sciences at Bridgewater State University, where she worked closely with the college’s faculty members on strategic planning and increased connections between the campus and the community. She organized a regional consortium of employers, public humanities representatives, and higher education leaders to develop strategies for defining and measuring the postgraduation success of humanities majors. Before arriving at Bridgewater State, she was special assistant to the president for external relations at Wheaton College in Massachusetts, an American Council on Education (ACE) Fellow in the president’s office of the University of Massachusetts, and a professor and department chair at Wheaton. She has also been a regular contributor to higher education publications, including the Chronicle of Higher Education’s blog Vitae. A member of the MLA Executive Council from 2013 to January 2017, Krebs also served on the executive committee of the MLA’s Association of Departments of English (2003–05). She served on the Massachusetts ACE Women’s Network Board of Directors and was a member of the Rhode Island Council for the Humanities Board of Directors from 2009 to 2015. Krebs earned a PhD in English from Indiana University, where she specialized in Victorian literature and culture, and a BA from La Salle College (now La Salle University). Accessibility To request accommodations for this or any event, please contact the organizer or James M. Van Wyck at least 3 working days prior to the event. Upcoming Professional Development Events Feb 17 Finding the Best Location using QGIS Feb 17 GradFUTURES Sustainability Learning Cohort: 1. Intro to Sustainability and Provisioning Systems Approach from Local to Global Feb 17 Introduction to Programming Using Python (Parts 1-3) Feb 18 Finding the Best Location using ArcGIS Pro Feb 18 Introduction to Programming Using Python (Part 2) Feb 18 Policy Analysis with R : Difference-in-Differences Methods Feb 19 Digital Scholarship Foundations: Static Websites (2 of 4) Feb 19 Intro to R: Analyzing Survey Data View All Events