Business Skills for PhDs in Academia and Beyond: Campus Economics

Nov 16, 2023, 5:00 pm7:00 pm
Louis A. Simpson A71, Louis A. Simpson A71, Princeton, NJ, United States


Event Description

Instructor: Sandy Baum and Michael McPherson

Session Description: Sandy Baum and Michael McPHerson, former professors and experts in the economics of higher education, will discuss some of the ideas in their recent book, Campus Economics: How Economics Thinking Can Help Improve College and University Decisions.  They will illustrate how economic concepts and reasoning can shed light on some of the difficult decisions facing faculty, administrators, and trustees on college campuses. The session will challenge participants to analyze some of their own questions in ways that can facilitate conversations among campus constituencies with different roles and perspectives. Participants will receive a copy of Campus Economics authored  by Sandy Baum and Michael McPherson and published by Princeton University Press 2023 

Cohort Description: Most people associate the term “business” with the private sector. However, business skills and models are widely applied in every sector: public, private and non-profit (which includes academia). You are acquiring many transferable skills in your Ph.D. program that can be applied in academic roles as well as within a variety of industries and job functions. Join the business skills learning cohort to better understand foundational concepts and language of business. This learning cohort includes experiential learning in the form of group capstone presentations under guidance of alum mentors. 


Broad Topics include:

  1. Purpose, ethics, and responsibility: stakeholder theory

  2. Analysis of strategy and operations 

  3. Data science in business

  4. Leadership and mentoring

  5. Negotiation

  6. Financial 360

  7. Business Communications

  8. Business of higher ed



To request accommodations for this or any event, please contact the organizer or James M. Van Wyck at least 3 working days prior to the event.