Data Science in the Life Sciences

Apr 28, 2021, 12:00 pm12:45 pm


Event Description

Speaker: Dr. Andrew Pecora, Chief Innovation Officer, Professor and Vice President of Cancer Services.

Moderator: Debbie Hart, President/CEO of BioNJ.

Learn how data science bridges the gap between the life sciences and technology. In fact, our lives depend on data, literally. Life sciences generate lots of complex data every single minute. Data science is used to assess risk, help reduce the spread of epidemics, increase life expectancy and prevent fatalities. It is used in clinical trials, the pillars of the pharmaceutical drug discovery process, and to help determine whether a device or a treatment method is safe for humans—and so much more. 
In 2011, Dr. Pecora founded COTA and has been an innovator in the oncology space for over 25 years and serves as the CEO of OMI (Outcomes Matter Innovations).

This event is part of the GradFUTURES FORUM-- a week-long conference dedicated to graduate student professional development and "Broadening the Impact of the Ph.D, within and Beyond the Academy."

Princeton graduate students, faculty, and staff please RSVP here.

(Alumni and guests, please RSVP here)



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