Graduate Alumni Career Outcomes | Classics : GradFUTURES | Classics GradFUTURES | Classics Graduate Alumni Long-term Career Outcomes Data, 2009-2019 In collaboration with the Office of Institutional Research, the Graduate School has partnered with Academic Analytics, a data analytics firm, to locate and classify the career outcomes of our graduate alumni over the past 10 years using publicly verifiable information gathered via systematic Internet and social media research. Based on this comprehensive data set, highlights of top industries, employers, job titles and locations appear below. Industries are classified using the Association of American Universities Data Exchange (AAUDE). For additional details on 5-year and 10-year post-degree conferral cohort data, please visit our Princeton Ph.D. Alumni Long-term Career Outcomes page. The GradFUTURES team has developed customized presentations for each academic department to present graduate students with an overview of the highlights below as well as top skills and competencies in demand in the Ph.D. labor market. Questions about the data in your department? Please reach out to Assistant Deans Sonali Majumdar and James M. Van Wyck. Each of the categories below includes samples of the top employers and job titles in alphabetical order. INDUSTRY SECTORS Education Research, Consulting, and Legal Services Publishing, Broadcasting, and Library Non-profit and membership organizations ACADEMIC SECTOR EMPLOYERS King's College London McGill University University of California, Davis University of California, Santa Barbara PUBLIC & PRIVATE SECTOR EMPLOYERS Academy of Notre Dame de Namur Austrian Academy of Science Boston Consulting Group Eidolon Kallion Leadership LOCATIONS United States United Kingdom Canada Australia ACADEMIC SECTOR JOB TITLES Assistant Professor Associate Professor Faculty Lecturer Visiting Assistant Professor PUBLIC & PRIVATE SECTOR JOB TITLES Co-Executive Director Consultant Deputy Digital Editor Language Faculty Research Associate Related Resources Princeton Ph.D. Alumni Long-term Career Outcomes Data Association of American Universities Data Exchange (AAUDE) National Science Foundation (NSF) Survey of Earned Doctorates O*NET Database of Occupational Information Professional Associations & Organizations for Graduate Students