Princeton University Library: Department of Research, Teaching and Social Sciences UAF

Fellowship Description

The UAF would begin by exploring the range of research services provided by the department through background reading and interviews with librarians and staff. The UAF would attend a number of library staff meetings. Once the UAF has surveyed and reviewed the range of library services being provided, they would choose two services to explore in more detail. They would interview and shadow a few librarians and secure feedback from relevant library patrons, and experience how research consultations are conducted. The UAF would then summarize their observations in use cases for showcasing on the library website.

The UAF would propose a small action-research project to build on their individual academic interests and connect with the library’s collections and services. For example, the UAF might explore how changes in the library’s website and research guides could better address the needs of graduate students. At the end of the project, the UAF would present their observations and reflections to library staff.

Many librarians have chosen librarianship as an alternative to traditional tenure-track faculty career paths. They find that serving researchers as part of a research library can be extremely rewarding and interesting work. We would offer the fellow the opportunity to get to know the daily experience of librarianship.

Your Host

The Research, Teaching and Social Sciences department in the DaRTS division of the Princeton University Library provides front-line support for Princeton researchers at all levels from first-year undergraduate students to graduate students to post-doctoral researchers and faculty members.

Fellowship Mentor

Current & Past Fellows and Mentors