Noah Apthorpe, *20 COS

Future Faculty Workshop Speaker
Assistant Professor of Computer Science, Colgate University

Noah Apthorpe is an Assistant Professor of Computer Science at Colgate University. His research combines human-computer interaction, networks, and machine learning to study privacy & security implications of connected technologies, including Internet of things (IoT) devices.

Noah received his Ph.D. in computer science from Princeton University in 2020. He was a graduate fellow in the Princeton Center for Information Technology Policy (CITP) advised by Professor Nick Feamster. His dissertation, Network Privacy and User Protection in the Internet of Things, combined technical analysis and user studies to identify novel IoT privacy vulnerabilities, enable the collection and study of IoT network data at scale, and inform recommendations for device manufacturers, regulators, and consumer advocates. Noah received his M.A. and B.S.E. degrees in computer science from Princeton in 2017 and 2014, respectively.

Noah has received a Siebel Scholarship, Defense Department NDSEG Fellowship, graduate student teaching assistant award, and distinguished poster award at the Network and Distributed Systems Symposium. He has given numerous talks, including at the FTC's PrivacyCon and the Annual Symposium on Applications of Contextual Integrity. His research has been covered in Wired, TechCrunch, Forbes, The Washington Post, and other press outlets.