Title Research Scientist, NJDEP, Bureau of Environmental Evaluation and Risk Assessment, Contaminated Site Remediation and Redevelopment Bio/Description Jennifer Willemsen joined the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection in September 2021. She serves as a research scientist in the Bureau of Environmental Evaluation and Risk Assessment within the Department’s Contaminated Site Remediation and Redevelopment program. In her role, Jennifer is involved in the development of the State’s soil remediation standards, research projects related to the fate and transport of contaminants in the natural environment, and the investigation and remediation of contaminated sites. Jennifer is passionate about working at the intersection of science and policy and is grateful for the opportunity to focus on issues directly related to protecting human health and the environment. Prior to joining NJDEP, Jennifer earned her PhD in civil and environmental engineering from Princeton University and a Bachelor of Science in chemistry from Haverford College. Upcoming Professional Development Events Dec 10 Fargo Film Screening Dec 10 Python Quick Strike Learning Cohort 2024: Bonus Topics Dec 10 PFAS in US Tapwater, December Lecture, Princeton Section of the American Chemical Society (PACS) Dec 11 LaTeX Drop-in Consultations Dec 13 GradFUTURES Graduate Student Internship/Fellowship Fair Dec 13 Professional Headshots at the 2024 Graduate Student Internship/Fellowship Fair Dec 13 30 Minutes Towards Better Bibliographies and Footnotes! (online) Dec 13 How Video Can make your scholarship Shine Dec 16 Office Hours with Graduate Alum in Residence Sam Wang *76 MAE Jan 10 Office Hours with Graduate Alum in Residence Jean Tom *93 CBE Jan 17 Office Hours with Graduate Alum in Residence Jean Tom *93 CBE Jan 31 30 Minutes Towards Better Bibliographies and Footnotes! (online) (COPY)